
We are humbled to be part of a research study on linkages between heathcare and AAL with blockchain. Working with both University of Waterloo School of Public Health and Health Systems (SPHHS) and the CSA Group.  We are providing our expertise in both healthcare and blockchain to support this research.

The goal of the study is to better understand current applications, opportunities and challenges of blockchain in the healthcare industry. Our objective is to understand how blockchain can be applied to healthcare, more specifically in the area of connected devices, remote monitoring and Active Assisted Living (AAL) systems. With lessons learned from the study, we will develop guidelines and recommendations for the use of blockchain in healthcare.

TwelveDot has been active in both the standardization of  blockchain and IoT and working with clients who are offering solutions to the market. We believe that these technologies will have a beneficial impact to society especially with an aging population globally.

This past weekend, I was very fortunate to be the keynote speaker at the China-Canada IoT and Blockchain Innovation and Development Summit in Markham (Toronto). It was great to see so many attendees who are interested in IoT and Blockchain and the potential for how we might be able to address security and privacy in IoT.

With the announcement of the Canada China IoT and Blockhain Research Institute it will greatly help Canadian and China organizations who want to expand their reach for products/services in these regions and be able have a source for testing, evaluation and business development. We are proud to be part of this and we look forward to helping companies secure their IoT solutions.

As a proud member of SDChain, TwelveDot is looking forward to growing the SDChain network which is already at 120K users and counting. As we get closer to building the SDK’s and expanding our platform, trustworthiness is going to be key element of providing security and privacy to IoT product/service users globally.

As many of you have requested a copy of my presentation I am providing it here: SDChain Keynote_v1